We are holding three pilgrimage events during 2021, the Year of the Pilgrim. As we do not know what regulations will be in place on the chosen dates, we are hoping to have the events recorded onto YouTube in case numbers are limited at a live event. The YouTube item will be called 'Northern Pilgrims Way Events'. Each event will consist of a church service followed by a short talk on the Northern Pilgrims' Way and, for those attending in person, some refreshments. The details so far are:
29th May 2021 in St Duthac's, Tain at 2pm. This event went ahead and the recording can be seen on our YouTube channel - ‘northern pilgrims way events’
3rd July 2021 in Old St Peter's Kirk, Thurso at 12:30pm. Sadly, this event had to be cancelled.
20th August 2021 in East Church,Kirkwall at 12:00md
This event went ahead and the YouTube recording can be seen at https://youtu.be/MN4F1qi_aJY