Hints on Travelling in the North Highlands
The North Coast 500 can be cycled in about two weeks and the Caithness routes are very suitable for cyclists. Some stretches can even be walked. However we are assuming that the majority of travellers will be driving. Many of the roads mentioned are single-track and it is important to adapt your driving accordingly.
The following is taken from the Highway Code:
Rule 155: Single-track roads.
These are only wide enough for one vehicle. They may have special passing places. If you see a vehicle coming towards you, or the driver behind wants to overtake, pull into a passing place on your left, or wait opposite a passing place on your right. Give way to road users coming uphill whenever you can. If necessary, reverse until you reach a passing place to let the other vehicle pass. Slow down when passing pedestrians, cyclists and horse riders.
In addition, here are a few tips (repeated from the section on the Northern Pilgrims’ Way):
If you are unsure of your reversing abilities, take a few lessons before your journey
passing places are usually, but not always, marked by white diamond-shaped signs. If you realise that you have several cars on your tail or the car behind is crowding you, pull into the first available passing place and let them overtake. If the nearest passing place is on your right, stop opposite it and let the other car pass you by going into the passing place.
Remember that you are on holiday, with time to spare, but the car behind you may not be so lucky. The local GP/district nurse/harassed mother/delivery driver on a tight schedule will appreciate your courtesy in pulling in and letting them pass.
When cars are approaching each other, the rule is that the car nearest to a passing place stops there and lets the other car past. If one car has to reverse, it should be the one nearest to a passing place. If the oncoming car flashes its lights, this is an unofficial signal to say that they want you to proceed.
On hills, the upcoming traffic has priority (but also consider the distance from a passing place for each car).
Do not expect a vehicle towing a caravan/trailer/farm implement to reverse even if they are the closest to a passing place
Do not stop on the road, no matter how stunning the view or appealing the Highland cattle – continue to the next passing place, park the car and walk back
If you want to leave your car in a passing place for a few minutes, make sure that there is enough space left for another vehicle to pull in to allow passing/overtaking
And lastly it should not be necessary to include this but sadly it is - if you hear a siren, get off the road as soon as possible as an emergency vehicle is trying to get through.
Do not let the fuel tank get low – it may be quite a long drive to the next source of fuel. Few garages are open in the evenings and Sunday trading is still uncommon in many areas.
Public toilets are also scarce – make the most of any that you see.
If you take a walk off the road, do not be tempted to swim, paddle or collect wild flowers from any of the small lochans – they have very soft, muddy bottoms and you could sink a surprising distance into them. There have been cases of people disappearing altogether. Also, it is illegal to pick wild flowers. Even the surrounding bogs can be dangerous, being far less solid than they look! Walking off-road also incurs the risk of picking up a tick (those small black blood-sucking insects that attach themselves to any exposed skin. While they are normally harmless, they can cause Limes Disease and must be removed with care. A special tool for the purpose can be bought at most chemists and is a useful addition to the standard first aid kit.
Many of our sites are on farm land. In order not to tarnish the post-mortem reputations of our saints, please do not do anything to upset the farmer/crofter/landowner. All the standard Country Code rules apply. In addition, please remember the following:
while there is a Freedom to Roam law in Scotland that allows the public access to all land, other than private gardens, as long as they are not doing any damage, this must be applied with courtesy towards the farmer/crofter/landowner
another law guarantees the public’s right of access to graveyards, even private ones. We have tried to identify the least-intrusive access routes and to gain the co-operation of the farmer/crofter/landowner. Sometimes the site is in the middle of a field and access cannot be guaranteed without disturbing stock or damaging crops. You may wish to just view from afar or, if you really want to stand on the site, please consult the local farmer/crofter/landowner first.
And last but by no means least – the Highland midge. If you are travelling between mid-July and mid-September, remember to take insect repellent with you. You might want to consider buying a midge hood that provides a net over the face. Midges thrive in the cool, damp climate of the North and West of Scotland. The West-coast midges have been scientifically proven to be the most vicious in the world. While they do not carry diseases, they can force the most stoic person indoors and ruin any outdoor pursuit. Some people are more sensitive to their bites than others but it is rare to be totally immune and even born-and-bred locals do not build up an immunity. Fortunately they do not like hot, sunny weather or strong winds. While sunlight cannot be guaranteed, Caithness does have more than its fair share of wind, so the midge is not a permanent problem.