Ann, Adamnan & Andrew
There is only one reference to Ann, the maternal grandmother of Jesus. It is in the Ecc Hist, which gives a short summary of her history. ‘According to Sir John R. G. Sinclair, Bart. of Dunbeath, the church at Dunnet was a dedication to St Anne.’ (p. 315). There is no hint as to why Sir John said this. A more plausible suggestion is that the church in Dunnet would have been dedicated to Mary as the local summer fair is called the Marymas Fair and, until recently, was held on the first Saturday after the 15th August – the feast of the Assumption of Our Lady.
See Eccl Hist p. 315.
Adamnan (7th century)
Adamnon was brought up in Donegal. He was the abbot of Iona apr 100 years after Columba and is most famous for his biography of Columba. He travelled between Scotland and Ireland regularly. He is associated with Inverness, Abriachan, Glen Urquhart (where there is a chapel and croft dedicated to him) and Damsey Island in Orkney. He supported the reforms agreed at the Council of Whitby.
See Towill p. 1, MacQuarrie p. 160 and Woodside p. 39.
Andrew (1st century)
Dedications to Andrew are more common in the central belt and southern areas than in the Highlands. He superseded Malie as patron saint of the parish of Golspie. (Malie may be a corruption of Maelrubha.)
See Towill p. 10 and Cat p. 36.